Formulario de inscripción oferta de trabajo


Oferta de empleo

- PROJECT: Collaborative Network for European Clinical Trials for Children - "Conect4Children"


- Fixed-Term full-time contact

Fecha límite

Para ser admitida la candidatura, la/s titulación/es requerida/s deberán ser acreditadas mediante título o certificado de haber superado los estudios que correspondan, siempre atendiendo a las bases de la convocatoria (puntos 2.5 y 3.1.b)

Requisitos imprescindibles

- Ability to speak, write and read fluently in English (level C1).
- Availability to travel if required by the project.
- Those applicants whose nationality is not Spanish must have a work authorization in force (or fulfill all the requirements to get it) at the moment they are employed.
*En caso de extranjeros, permiso de trabajo o disposición de tenerlo vigente en la fecha de la contratación.
* Las candidaturas que no cumplan con todos los requisitos imprescindibles, los cuales deben acreditarse documentalmente, quedarán automáticamente descartadas.


•	PhD and/or MBA will be appreciated. 
•	Previous experience in management of European projects (FP7, H2020, IMI, INTERREG, LIFE...).
•	Knowledge in clinical research development is a plus. 
•	Good knowledge of Office Software (PowerPoint, Excel, Word, etc).
•	Knowledge of local/regional/national e international programmes of competitive funding. 
•	Knowledge of project management standards and methodologies.
•	Communication and presentation skills.
•	Knowledge of administrative reporting procedures(FormC, timesheets, etc)
•	Capability of working in an international/multicultural environment.
•	Capability and experience in team working.
•	Excellent interpersonal skills, be able to communicate and work with both business people and academics.
•	To be result-oriented and focused on project delivery and its quality.
•	Proactivity and capacity to make decisions. 

*Para poder valorar los Méritos se debe adjuntar la documentación que los acredite
La oferta de empleo finalizó el 28/02/2019