Formulario de inscripción oferta de trabajo


Oferta de empleo

- MSCA Doctoral Network Position DC1 (Máster Degree)
- ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS REQUESTED: BSc in biomedical sciences* (or similar, depending on country) + MSc in bioinformatics OR BSc in computer science* + MSc in genomics*.
- PROJECT: Identification and development of novel colorectal cancer biomarkers via state-of-the-art liquid biopsy approaches (COLOMARK)


- Three-year full-time temporary contract.

Fecha límite

Para ser admitida la candidatura, la/s titulación/es requerida/s deberán ser acreditadas mediante título o certificado de haber superado los estudios que correspondan, siempre atendiendo a las bases de la convocatoria (puntos 2.5 y 3.1.b)

Requisitos imprescindibles

Basic bioinformatic training
Wet lab experience on genomic techniques (e.g. nucleic acid extraction and QC)
Do not hold a doctorate
Not have resided or carried out their main professional activity in Spain for more than 12 months in the last 3 years.

*En caso de extranjeros, permiso de trabajo o disposición de tenerlo vigente en la fecha de la contratación.
* Las candidaturas que no cumplan con todos los requisitos imprescindibles, los cuales deben acreditarse documentalmente, quedarán automáticamente descartadas.


Bioinformatic understanding of NGS data analysis, particularly DNA variant calling Previous experience with ctDNA data analysis
Lab experience working with ctDNA
Knowledge/work on cancer genetics/genomics 
Previous experience with prediction models, including polygenic risk scores Previous experience on biomarker development

*Para poder valorar los Méritos se debe adjuntar la documentación que los acredite


More information about the conditions of the MSCA position can be found in the following link: More information, and in the offer published in Euraxesss: Doctoral candidate positions MSCA Doctoral Network ColoMARK | EURAXESS (

Salary will comply with MSCA regulations.

Job location: Fundación Pública Galega de Medicina Xenómica. Travesía da Choupana s/n .Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

Project funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network grant agreement nº 101072448

La oferta de empleo finalizó el 23/06/2023