Formulario de inscripción oferta de trabajo
Oferta de empleo
- MSCA Doctoral Network Position DC10 (Máster Degree)
- ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS REQUESTED: BSc in biomedical sciences* (or similar, depending on country) + MSc in bioinformatics or BSc in computer science* + MSc in genomics*.
- PROJECT: Identification and development of novel colorectal cancer biomarkers via state-of-the-art liquid biopsy approaches (COLOMARK)
- ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS REQUESTED: BSc in biomedical sciences* (or similar, depending on country) + MSc in bioinformatics or BSc in computer science* + MSc in genomics*.
- PROJECT: Identification and development of novel colorectal cancer biomarkers via state-of-the-art liquid biopsy approaches (COLOMARK)
- Three-year full-time temporary contract.
Fecha límite
Para ser admitida la candidatura, la/s titulación/es requerida/s deberán ser acreditadas mediante título o certificado de haber superado los estudios que correspondan, siempre atendiendo a las bases de la convocatoria (puntos 2.5 y 3.1.b)
Requisitos imprescindibles
Basic bioinformatic training Basic wet lab experience on genomic techniques (e.g. nucleic acid extraction and QC) Do not hold a doctorate Not have resided or carried out their main professional activity in Spain for more than 12 months in the last 3 years.*En caso de extranjeros, permiso de trabajo o disposición de tenerlo vigente en la fecha de la contratación.
* Las candidaturas que no cumplan con todos los requisitos imprescindibles, los cuales deben acreditarse documentalmente, quedarán automáticamente descartadas.
Previous experience with RNAseq data analysis Lab experience working with CTCs Knowledge/work on cancer genetics/genomics Previous experience with prediction models, including predictors Previous experience on biomarker development*Para poder valorar los Méritos se debe adjuntar la documentación que los acredite
More information about the conditions of the MSCA position can be found in the following link: More information and in the offer published in Euraxesss: Doctoral candidate positions MSCA Doctoral Network ColoMARK | EURAXESS (
Salary will comply with MSCA regulations.
Job location: Fundación Pública Galega de Medicina Xenómica. Travesia da Choupana s/n, Santiago de Compostela
Project funded by the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network grant agreement nº 101072448
La oferta de empleo finalizó el 23/06/2023