Formulario de inscripción oferta de trabajo
Oferta de empleo
- PROJECT: Collaborative Network for European Clinical Trials for Children-Conect4Children (GA, number 777389)
- PROJECT: Collaborative Network for European Clinical Trials for Children-Conect4Children (GA, number 777389)
- Contrato de duración determinada a tiempo completo
Fecha límite
Para ser admitida la candidatura, la/s titulación/es requerida/s deberán ser acreditadas mediante título o certificado de haber superado los estudios que correspondan, siempre atendiendo a las bases de la convocatoria (puntos 2.5 y 3.1.b)
Requisitos imprescindibles
University Degree. MBA Ability to speak, write and read fluently in English. Certificate C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Proven experience as business development officer or relevant role Those applicants whose nationality is not Spanish must have a work authorization in force (or fulfill all the requirements to get it) at the moment they are employed.*En caso de extranjeros, permiso de trabajo o disposición de tenerlo vigente en la fecha de la contratación.
* Las candidaturas que no cumplan con todos los requisitos imprescindibles, los cuales deben acreditarse documentalmente, quedarán automáticamente descartadas.
PhD Knowledge in clinical research development. GLPs, GMPs, GCPs. Good knowledge of Office Software (PowerPoint, Excel, Word, etc). Availability to travel. Excellent organizational and leadership skills. Outstanding communication and interpersonal abilities. Thorough understanding of diverse business processes and strategy development.*Para poder valorar los Méritos se debe adjuntar la documentación que los acredite
The ideal candidate will be well versed in all matters business. They will be a competent leader able to provide guidance that enhances performance in a manner, which incorporates project’s vision and culture.
This position implies working under the deadlines set by the project leader, the European Commission and/or other stakeholders involved and close collaboration with all other project participants.
La oferta de empleo finalizó el 26/06/2019